"Engaging in mindfulness practice can deepen your understanding of unconditional love,
ultimately leading to the manifestation of your ideal, loving relationships with both your family and loved ones.."

About Serena(Miki)

About Miki(セレナ)
I was born and raised in Japan and have since lived in London, Thailand, and Sweden before coming to the United States. These diverse life experiences have taught me about unconditional happiness, and each one has become a precious treasure to me. What I value most is the habit of mindfulness—the moments when I return to the frequency of love and gratitude and place my awareness in the present. I also occasionally offer sessions on the law of attraction and relationship counseling..

日本で生まれ育ち、その後、ロンドン、タイ、スウェーデンに住んでからアメリカに移住。現在はフロリダで第2の人生を送っています。多様な人生経験は、無条件の幸福について教えてくれ、それぞれが大切な宝物となりました。私が最も大切にしているのは、愛と感謝の周波数に戻り、意識を現在に置くマインドフルネスの習慣です。また、恋愛や人間関係、結婚でお悩みの女性に不定期で宇宙の法則セッションを提供しています。作品のご感想やご質問などはいつでもお気軽にお寄せください♡ contact@queenbeehoney.us